8 Mortifying Mom Moments

Every mom has those super embarrassing parenting moments! Read these real-life mortifying mom moments, and share yours by sending them to moments@momtastic.com. Your story could be the next one we publish!

Pregnancy Pee Moment

I was potty training my first child, Caitlin, while pregnant with my second. Caitlin was doing well without diapers, but would, from time to time, have an accident. Every time she would have a pee accident I would say, “It’s OK, we’ll do better next time. We don’t need diapers anymore.” One day we went over to my mother-in-law’s home, and my pregnant belly was really weighing on my bladder. I wanted to run to the restroom, but I had to get my daughter settled first … and that’s when I sneezed. The pressure was just too much for my bladder and I actually peed myself a little, in front of my MIL while standing in her immaculate living room. As if that weren’t mortifying enough, my daughter noticed the wet spot spreading on my pants, patted my hand and said, “It’s OK, Mommy. We’ll do better next time. We don’t need diapers anymore.” Sigh. At least she was encouraging!

Katie from Chicago, IL

No Time like the Present

My mother gives absolutely terrible gifts. She always presents me with these big, garish decorative pieces and suggests that I display them in very conspicuous places around my home. Ugh. I have huge vases, pictures, and various knickknacks, all purchased by dear ole Mom. I hate her taste but I love her, and I don’t want to insult her, so I keep all these things in a closet, and when she comes to visit, I drag them out and arrange them around the house. There is one particularly horrid vase that I refer to as “vulgar.” My eight year-old son asked me what that word meant, and I told him to look it up, but of course, he never did. Last year, my mom wanted to surprise my son by visiting for his birthday. She arrived when he was still at school, and we sat in the kitchen and drank tea while waiting for him come home.  At 3:00 we heard the door slam and my son called out, “Grandma?! Are you here?” My mom ran to him and asked, “How did you know I’d be here? It was a surprise!” My darling son proudly announced, “Your vulgar gold vase is out of the closet!”

 – Laura from Denver, CO

Send your Embarrassing Parenting Story to moments@momtastic.com.

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