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Teens and Tweens (Page 14)
Who says summer break isn't a time for learning?
These activities reinforce key learning concepts but are still playful and relaxing.
#15: Create a "Done Door"
I just got my daughter's back to school shopping list for the fall, and here's the thing: It doesn't look…
#19. Only 75 days until the first day of school.
Even though he's a guy, my husband is perfectly capable of talking about girl stuff with our daughters.
We're no longer living in that "Leave it to Beaver" fantasy of the SAHM in pearls and an apron.
So I can't believe how many moms have said, “Nope. My kid’s not going. Not now, not ever.”
#4. Think, 'I bet Mom misses me already. I should check on her.'
Trying to juggle it all requires a PhD in time management and lots of wine (you only have the latter).
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