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Teens and Tweens (Page 18)
I stretched the truth as a kid -- and now my kids are most definitely following in my footsteps.
Cool activities that kindergarteners can do on their own, from science experiments to interactive games, top my list.
Barbie has been a feminist punching bag for decades. Could this new line of dolls help change that?
Get organised and embrace new routines by following this simple back-to-school guide. First things first, let’s debunk the myth that…
I’ve always been a bookworm and many of my best childhood memories are tied up in books. I remember being…
"I used to tell my kids, 'If someone starts a fight with you, you have my permission to finish it.'"…
Try my easy recipe for creating the kind of playdate that your kid and her friends will love.
Sometimes kids grow out of a problem, if they’re just given time. But sometimes they don't.
Trust us: This is really a thing.
While some kids seem to make new friends easily, others need a few pointers.
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