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Teens and Tweens (Page 19)
#12. One kid will find a shoe in a toy box and put it on. It will be his sister’s…
My daughter is 1 and I'm ready to shop! Don't miss this list of classic toys, handmade pieces, and innovative…
It’s never too soon to teach kids to give back, and the holidays are the perfect time to do so.
I decided to hold my son back from kindergarten long before this study came out, and it was the best…
#6. Creep into the bathroom and yank aside the shower curtain with something shiny in their hands, á la Norman…
#6. Conversations that should be in person, instead of over the phone
They'll inspire and empower her (and no, they're not cheesy).
When it came time to drop off my son at Ollie’s house for the birthday sleepover there were tears --…
Monitor her digital behavior, while building a trusting relationship with your kid.
Most of us parents have a love-hate relationship with virtual reality games for kids, like Club Penguin, Pocoyo World and Webkinz. On…
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