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Teens and Tweens (Page 22)
#3. Ask the school if you can come to a dress rehearsal.
My number one priority is keeping my children safe. I can't do that if their right to privacy extends to…
Number 3 is so incredibly important -- both for your kids and you.
Kris and Bruce Jenner never keep secrets, but they've been oddly quiet about their teen's inappropriate romance.
Back then, even the coolest kid in school was just a crazy (and often gross) little kid.
This is one lesson that I wish I didn't have to teach my three kids.
Hint: "Reasoning with them" did not make this list.
I've seen moms decide that their children can't eat entire food groups, without real cause -- and it's NOT okay.
Number 2 is especially important for us to remember.
With these strategies, we've even managed to avert those before-school catastrophes that can derail a perfectly lovely morning.
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