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Toddlers (Page 10)
Here are a few surprising things I literally had to pull out of my daughter’s mouth.
Hint: We live in the UK this time around.
I was definitely nervous about moving my kids out of their cribs and into big kid beds. Here's why I…
#13: You’ve been slapped in the nipple in public during a tantrum.
You'd never admit this to your kids, but it's so true.
If you're feeling the "less is more" vibe when it comes to kids and candy like I am, then you'll…
Plus, how to be a popular mom and a mom's prayer for spring break.
And no, I didn't teach them to say "please" and "thanks" so that everyone thinks, "Oh, what nice boys."
Does iPad time---educational or otherwise---help or hinder child development?
Pull out the decoder ring: Your kids are speaking again.
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