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Toddlers (Page 20)
Somewhere along the way, my little bundle of red headed sweetness was replaced by a member of the Inquisition. I…
As a working mom, I’ve struggled with the Daycare Dilemma for years. The guilt of leaving my children with someone…
When Joseph was three, he sat at the counter, a glass half full of milk in front of him. He’d…
Up until recently, I was confident in the knowledge that Joseph’s clothes would be outgrown before they were outworn.
My first boy is what you might call mellow. You might call him laid-back. You might call him, in all…
We went down to the pond the other day to feed the geese. In typical toddler tyrant fashion, Diego directed…
Despite knowing that “back to school” means little more to me now than better TV programming – since my kids…
When I was a waitress, I despised families. Families ranked up there with the worst potential restaurant patrons.
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