It’s important for mental and physical health to stay active every day. That doesn’t mean we need to workout till our heart feels like it will pound out of our chest, but it means we should make an effort to move our body. This isn’t easy to do when it’s freezing and raining outside! With that in mind we turned to Barry’s Bootcamp instructor Amanda Asaro and asked her to put together a workout we can do at home using nothing but basic items for resistance. If your baby is crying, ditch the props and use your baby for resistance! Babies often will calm down if you move while holding them.
For this workout circuit Asaro recommends doing each exercise for 60 seconds before moving on to the next one, taking as little time as possible between each exercise. Once you have completed all four moves, repeat the circuit another two times, taking 60 seconds between each circuit.
Before diving into the moves, let’s talk fashion!
Asaro is wearing items from APL and Koral’s new holiday collections (read about their holiday discounts here) and using a tote from Kule.
If you’re in the NYC area, checkout Kule’s new store at 610 Fifth Avenue. They have a holiday shop with exclusive products sold in-store only. We love this bag because it’s nice and roomy, so it’s as good for on-the-go with baby as it is for a workout at home.
The baby featured is wearing a top from Seraphine (part of an adorable Mommy and Me set) and Thanksgiving-themed pants from Carter’s, also part of a gift set.
Keep reading for Asaro’s sculpting workout circuit.
More Fitness For Moms and Moms-to-Be:
- The Best Online Prenatal Workouts for Active Moms-to-Be
- A Workout Routine You Can Do While Wearing Your Baby Carrier (It Will Help Baby Stop Crying!)
- A Calorie-Blasting Stroller Workout For Moms
An Outdoor Workout You Can Do With Your Baby This Winter
Russian Twist
This move is great for core and shoulder strength and you can use a diaper bag or a baby as your resistance. Sit on the floor or on a mat as you lift your feet up, keeping your knees bent. Use your abdominals to twist to the right and then to the left. Alternate for one minute.
Russian Twist
Walking Lunge
This move strengthens legs and glutes while increasing range of motion and hip mobility. Stand with feet under hips. Step one foot forward, bending both knees to 90 degrees, lowering back knee to hover above the ground. Front knee is over ankle while back knee is under hip. Lean into front foot and push off the back to return both feet under hips. Alternate leading leg in lunges. You can hold your baby for extra resistance.
Squat Press
Stand feet shoulder width apart holding your baby in front of you or against your chest. Lower down as if you are sitting in an invisible chair and then stand back up as you press your baby up.
Squat Press
Side Lunge
Start with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointed straight forward. Step out with your right foot as wide as possible as you drop your hips down and back. Push heel into the floor to push yourself back to the full standing start position. Hold your diaper bag or baby for extra resistance.
Side Lunge