- edible flower petals
- ice cube trays (I used these hexagon-shaped ones
- freezer
- water
Step 1: Find yourself some edible flower petals. Be sure that what you use is edible and non-toxic! The petals in my supplies list are a great choice. Otherwise, this is a good guide for which petals are edible.
Step 2: Sprinkle your flower petals into the ice cube trays, being sure that each tray has a few petals.
Step 3: Fill the trays with water. You’ll need to pour the water in somewhat gently so that the trays don’t overflow and you lose all of your petals.
Step 4: If all of your petals have floated to the top, you can gently submerge them into the water by pressing down with a finger.
Step 5: Freeze your ice cube tray overnight.
Step 6: Use the ice to garnish drinks at your next soiree!
More DIY Ice Cubes: